Inspiring women to "give plastic the finger" for Lil-Lets

Plastic is everywhere: on remote Arctic sea ice, inside birds’ stomachs and in our most intimate feminine-hygiene products. Our work with Lil-Lets asked us to encourage women to make a difference by saying no to single-use plastic found in competitor applicator tampons.

We commissioned research and used the findings to bust the myths around applicator-free tampons, asking girls to “give plastic the finger" and opt to manually insert their period products as a protest against pollution.


Campaign Ideation




Without results,
marketing is just noise


  • 65k Click Throughs

  • 500k watched to 100% competition

  • 41% Engagement Conversion

Working with distillery has been an eye opener. They eat social for breakfast and have a true understanding of media dynamics.
— Natalie Bree, Lil-Lets